Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brand New Blogger Day!

I do tend to carry on (my kindergarten report card stated "Jayne is a Chatterbox") and I found that the Facebook page would only let me print so many words at one time. This is hopefully my solution to that situation. I feel that I have a lot to say. It doesn't even seem to matter to me at this point if anyone is really listening as I don't think I need any input. I believe the output will be cathartic enough and that is the main purpose for this blog. My healing. I would like it if through the process of sharing in this way some people will listen and get to know me. I hope that I will better get to know myself. I am hoping that at some point I will be able to relax and release my fear of judgement enough to let the words that need to come, out, without my constant censorship. I hope that at some point I will allow myself to just BE. That makes me cry from a deep place. I've lost a lot of things in my life but nothing compared to the pain I felt when I realized that I had lost myself. Enough for now. Let's see if this thing will link up to my Facebook page.

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